Graduated ! Here it is, the end of 3 years of Character animation at Gobelins...
Bonus: Stills from my graduation short : "OKTAPODI" co-directed with FX Chanioux, Olivier Delabarre, Thierry Marchand, Quentin Marmier and Emud Mokhberi .
OKTAPODI official website : www.oktapodi.com
Visit the gobelins website: http://www.gobelins.fr/galerie/animation
It looks fantastic!
When do you think we'll be able to see it online?
Congrats on graduating! looking forward to seeing your work!
Congratulations,keep on good work and post a lot of thigs here
super beau ! , il me tardes de voir le film !
Hey! Bravo, bravo!! :-)
Alors quel sont tes projets mon ptit Julien?
Il y a moyen de voir votre film quelque part??
A bientot peut-etre!
where can I see it!??
merci, thank you ! :)
You'll be able to see the movie on the gobelins website (I don't know when exactly). But I cannot put it on my blog yet because of the copyrights... I'll keep you updated about that !
houais j'ai hate de le voir terminé!!
je comprend pas trop la politique de ne pas pouvoir le diffuser jusqu'a plus soif quand meme...c'est tout d'un coup comme si l'ecole passait avant les eleves et (meme si je suis sur que tout va tres bien pour toi) leur recherche d'emplois...
Merde pour la suite en tout cas.
Beautiful work. I saw it on a Siggraph Reel. Awesome work.
Damned it il nous faut une Siggraph Reel...
this was amazing, great job on this!
We've seen your short here at Dreamworks.
It is Beautiful!
Animation,design and art direction are just gorgeous!
Awsome blog. I want to see that film! Looks really apealing.
It looks beautiful. I can't wait to see it in motion :)
Excellent work. ....Gobelins always produces excellent work.
your short was amazing. i can't wait to see it again.
good color
very good color
tank you
Beautiful work! Looking forward to see your work in progress!
It's very beautiful! Y'a plus qu'à le voir...mais quand?!...
hey! where can I get a copy of oktapodi? or where can I see it online? I saw it at "Art Futura" in Barcelona and I think it's a great work! I want to see it again hehe
unforunetaly the short won't be online till april I thik. this is because of copyrights stuff. that sucks, sorry...
Euh Julien... tu boss ou a L.A.??
Parce que je serai a Disney la-bas dans 2 semaines...
Mais juste pour un training d'une semaine!
j suis en training chez dreamworks, appel moi qd t es ds le coin, j ai tjs mon num francais. En plsu, j habite en face des studios disney! pratique! A plus !!
I really like your character designs! Good work!
K and Krew.
Je n'ai pas ton numero francais... mais tu peux me l'envoyer par mail a g_e_n_e_v_a@hotmail.com
J'arriverai le 11 au soir et repartirai le 17!
J'ai trop trop hate!
Felicitations pour ton training a Dreamworks!!
Et a bientot alors :-)
ah ah! when is it out?? ;-)
I just realised that your profile says that you are already in LA!! I knew that most of your classmates were already in London but I didn't think anyone would go as far as LA ;-) pas mal l'ami, bravo!
Ah, je ne savais pas que je gaffais.
Mes excuses les plus plates.
J'ai vu le film à imagina. Mais pas en entier je crois. Je voulais le montrer à quelqu'un là mais apparemment pas moyen de le voir en ligne. Snif...
En tout cas j'ai adoré. Super boulot !
I've seen your film recently! Big fan of it and your art!!!!!!
vraiment terrible à tous points de vue ! je l'ai vu à Bruxelles - anima, du tout beau boulot !
I just passed to say that I watched your animation yesterday at Anima Mundi and it's awesome! Vraiment amusant. Merci beaucoup pour cette merveilleuse animation!
You're leading a charmed life my friend! I hope you'll continue to use your fantastic talent for good (as opposed to "for evil").
It's been a while I am having fun watching the Gobelin's animation shorts.
For your animation I especially appreciated the care for lightning...nice story, lovely characters, dream-like location!
Can I just tell you how much I love this short! It's got too many great things about it to talk about them all, but most of all I love the personalities of the characters! Congrats!
Congratulations on your Oscar nomination! All the best for you and your team & hope you win it. Look forward to see you on TV. Are you still in Bangalore?
Félicitations pour ce film et tous les prix! c'est plein d'humour comme on aime... Béatrice
Genial. Parabéns!
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